Sdkboxgpg.js, buffer is empty! in logcat

I was following this tutorial to implement google play services on android : GitHub - sdkbox/sdkbox-sample-ccc200 at gpg

But after I build and run it on android, it shows error on logcat:


@yinjimmy might be able to help.

whats your sdkboxgpg.js content ?

Hello, I downloaded it sdkboxgpg.js on github sdkbox-sample-ccc200/sdkboxgpg.js at gpg · sdkbox/sdkbox-sample-ccc200 · GitHub and placed it on my res folder. I am using binary. Now the sdkboxgpg.js, buffer empty is gone image and it seems that GPG is already running but the glUtils ParamSize problem is still there and now I am getting an new error image . The device I am testing shows only a black screen at first then crashes

I think this code never runs

because I don’t see any of those logs on logcat

now, we update the gpg sample, show log to screen and logcat. can you try?


Ok I tried it but the SIGSEGV bug is still there :frowning:

clean and recompile?

the sample is link to /Application/, and /Application/ version is 2.0.

I’ve tried many times and I think the SIGSEV bug is in the javascript itself because if I don’t call the js functions, there is no bug

rename ./build/jsb-link to ./buile/jsb-link.bak,
generate a new jsb-link project
compare jsb-link.bak and js-link

how about this?