sdkbox.PluginFirebase.init() D/jswrapper: JS: [ERROR]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined

I user cocos creator 3.0.1, install sdkbox 1.5.1 then import firebase

I got the firebase.d.ts file generated via sdkbox.

declare module sdkbox {
     module PluginFirebase {
        export function init() : boolean;


But when I call sdkbox.PluginFirebase.init() in userLogin() in main.ts of the sample code (Example Taxi Game), i got the undefined error.

The log as below:

D/jswrapper: JS: [ERROR]: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘init’ of undefined

How can I use the Google Analytic with Firebase in cocos game in Android APK?
Or, how can I use the Google Analytic directly in in cocos game in Android APK?
