Sdkbox Google IAP Slow Test Card

We’re testing in app purchases using SDKBOX on Google Play. We have problems with the payment method “Slow test card, approves after a few minutes”.
If you use this method and then wait a minute in the app, it works fine.
However, if we use this method, then quit the game right away, wait for device to get payment notification, then reopen the app - the purchase doesn’t work. We have heard from a number customers who paid but didn’t receive the content - I think this is the reason why. (We’re using this for “consumable” purchases, but I think the problem is similar for non-consumable).
Pretty big problem, with no way to resolve (other than drop using SDKBOX, and use Google Play API directly?).

You can check the last payment result by restore after app launch. if app exit before the last payment complete.

Restore like this:
sdkbox::IAP::restore() ;

Doesn’t seem to work. I get an onRestoreComplete callback but no onRestored with product info. I don’t know any other way to check the purchase status. Payment is processed but game doesn’t know about it.

sdkbox::IAP::restore() will get all product except consumable product user owned.

finishTransaction can consume a consumbale product, then user can purchase again.

About payment status:

  1. you cannot know the payment status directly at the client
  2. The user initiated the payment, but there was no callback of the payment result, which means that the payment is abnormal. At this time, you can try to restore and finishtransaction at the next startup.
  3. The exact status of payment status is recommended to request google’s iap server api on your own server

Thank you, calling finishTransaction on next time game launch seems to work.