SDKBOX failed to get configuration

I’m trying to connect some sdks through Sdkbox.

For now, just trying with SdkboxPlay.
The problem is whenever I change something in sdkbox_config.json, it fails to get configuration.

E/SDKBOX_CORE: Checking plugin status for unknown plugin: sdkboxplay
E/SdkboxPlay: failed to get configuration

with sample sdkbox_config.json, it works fine.
But if I change some values in side(like leaderboards or achievements),
that error messages above appear.

my config is like below

    "android": {
        "sdkboxplay": {
            "leaderboards" : [
                "id" : "Ca324S_Zdo3AcksEck",
                "name" : "LeaderBoard"
            "achievements" : [
                    "id" : "Ca291C_aQea0zkQW3",
                    "name" : "Achievement",
                    "incremental" : false
            "connect_on_start": false, 
            "show_achievement_notification": true, 
            "cloud_save": false, 
            "debug": true

I have no idea what’s going on here.

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We can ask @yinjimmy for his advice.

I solved my problem.

It was about the json file itself.
There was a comma ‘,’ at the end of the {}.

For example

    "android": {
        "sdkboxplay": {
        "sdkboxIAP": {

There’s a comma ‘,’ after “sdkboxIAP”.
There shouldn’t be a comma when it’s a last element in json.
I didn’t know that.
That’s why compiler kept failing to find json file.

It took me a whole day.
I tried to refer other’s sdkbox_config.json file to find out what’s the difference,
but I couldn’t find samples or tutorials using multiple sdkbox plugins.

Hope this would help someone.

plz check json with or use your editor.


My mistake :wink:
*should → shouldn’t

I corrected it.

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