SDKBOX Ads Update Request (GMA 7.61.0 -> 7.64.0)


Google has recommended that developers update their apps with GMA 7.64.0 for the pending iOS 14 update. After checking webrequests after importing the SDKBOX Ads I saw GMA 7.61.0 being used.

Can you confirm that the latest available (stable) SDKBOX Ads module uses GMA 7.61.0? And if possible, could you update this to 7.64.0 for the sake of the iOS 14 update?

@yinjimmy Are you still the one that usually handles SDKBOX topics?

We expect the XCode GM (which allows iOS 14 builds to be sent in for review) to come out today. The sooner GMA 7.64.0 or higher is added, the better. Otherwise developers might lose revenue due to worse ad attribution support.

@htlxyz plz help to update the GMA to version 7.64.0.


Any update on this yet @htlxyz? :smiley:

In progress.
maybe it will be released to the staging server next week.