SDKBOX - Release with GDPR support

Hi @yinjimmy, in continuation of ANR issues. I see that even when auto-caching is disabled by calling this function:

PluginAdMob still calls


function implicitly for each ad entry that defined in sdkbox_config.json file. I assume this behavior because adViewDidReceiveAd callback is always called for each ad even when autocaching is disabled.

Is it possible to fix this? Thanks.

Google will auto cache banner ad again.

Thanks for your answer. I’m talking about interstitial ads and rewarded videos. You are right about banner ads, I didn’t cache banners at all because of this.

When I used older versions of SDKBox ( for example) I didn’t receive any ads until calling PluginAdMob::cache() explicitly.
Now, when using latest version of SDKBox, I’m always receive ads at startup, and it is doesn’t matter is autocaching disabled or not. I even don’t need to call PluginAdMob::cache routine explicitly to get ads.

I want to get rid of this behavior because I don’t want to AdMob to cache ALL ads I have listed on sdkbox_config on game startup. I want to cache only that ads, that I need. This way I could reduce ANRs on some devices with slow internet. Also I don’t want AdMob to cache ads implicitly, for example for players that opted-out from ads.

let me check the admob plugin logic again.

plz invoke setAutoCache before init:


it’s never cache any admob ad.

I confirm.

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Thanks @yinjimmy, it works.