Running on web shows old build

For a while I have had issues when running my Cocos2d-JS game on web. When I run the game via The Cocos Code IDE (version 1.0.2.) I get a black screen for a while and then see an old build of my game. The python console does not show any resources being loaded. I have the same issue when I manually start the game via console using cocos run -p web. I am currently using Cocos2d-JS v3.1. The title of the window is ‘Cocos2d-html5 Hello World test’. I am not sure if this has always been the case.

Is this a known problem and if so, how can I reslove it?

My python console:

I moved the topic to Code IDE, will report it to my colleague later

Maybe try clear browser cache.

please kill all Python processes,and retry it

I don’t believe it is a browser cache problem because I don’t see any of my resources being loaded in the console window of Python. I have also tested it in a different browser which I normally don’t use (Internet Explorer) and I had the same issue.

I have rebooted my computer, openen Command Prompt, navigated to my project folder and ran cocos run -p web. This did not solve the issue. The only thing that I use Python for is Cocos2d-JS so I’m fairly certain that no startup process was using it at the time.

clear browser cache,just try it ~

I have cleared the browser cache. This results in the resources being loaded. Each one of them returns statuscode 200 - OK. I saw the loading screen for a second and then the screen turned black. After five minutes I opened a new tab and navigated to the game on This resulted in both tabs showing the game, but yet again it showed the old build.

I have noticed that the developer console of Chrome is showing an error. It states that there is an undefined function on the line:

var btnUpSprite = new cc.Scale9Sprite(res.arrowUp_png);

The console log:

EDIT: My build seemed like an old build because none of the user interface was loaded. I only recently added the user interface.

EDIT 2: I did not include the “ui” module in my project because I was unaware that including modules was only needed for the game to run using HML5. My issue has been resolved.