Rummy Fans ! Real-time multiplayer game

Hi !! :partying_face:
I wanted to share my new game with you guys :wink:

Rummy Fans for Android
Rummy Fans for iOS

The game is like the classic and well-known Gin Rummy. This is an online multiplayer game, so you can play with your friends in real-time! :slight_smile:

Frameworks used:

  • cocos2d 3.17.2.
  • Nakama Server
  • SDKBOX: Facebook, Apple, Ads

Hope you can enjoy it :wink:


Congrats on releasing! Thank you for using our products.

cocos2d-x C++ is the best framework ever :sunglasses:

Congrats!!! :grinning:


New Update!

  • Facebook Login now works on Android
  • Network exceptions added on AndroidManifiest (some Androids had connection problems to the server). Thanks @smitpatel88 !
  • Design adaptations (view/design problems on Galaxy S20 and iPhone X has been fixed)
  • Minor fix on EMail Input text


New Update!

  • Minor fixes in game play.
