Rigidbody : How to calculate relative point for position based impulse or forces in Cocos Creator

Hello Devs,

I felt like sharing something which I struggled with a lot. I wanted to apply impulse on a rectangular cube at a specific position. Of course, you can use absolute position to make it work like this,

let absoluteRelativePoint = new Vec3(0.5,0.0,0.0); //rightmost side of the cube in absolute terms


but this is wrong. The object won’t rotate if you have impulse = Vec3(magnitude, 0.0,0.0);

The function applyImpulse expects relativePoint param to be in world space without translation. Something like this,

let absoluteRelativePoint = new Vec3(0.5,0.0,0.0); //rightmost side of the cube in absolute terms

let worldSpaceRP = absoluteRelativePoint.transformMat4(this.node.getWorldRS()); //rotating and scaling relative point to node space(local space), ignoring translation


and that’s it. You will get the right behaviour when you will apply impulses or forces on different point of an object.


Is this a documentation question or shall we change the category? Maybe Knowledgebase? Thanks for sharing.

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Not a question. The ‘Rigidbody’ section in the documentation doesn’t mention that the relative point for impulse/forces should be rotated & scaled to world space. I am not sure if its the right thing to do but doing that solved the problem for me.

by the way, I worked with Babylon JS and Cocos 3D Quality is coming close to it. The results of your efforts are visible. Thank you for adding 3D support. :slight_smile: