@property type of abstract class issues in 3.x version which work fine in 2.x

so back to the 2.x version i have these code:

enum TargetColliderType

abstract class ATargetCollider
    abstract get target(): any[]; 
    abstract set target(value: any[]);

class GroupTargetsCollider extends ATargetCollider
    _target: number[] = []

            type: [cc.Integer],
            override: true,
            //    id: "0",
            //    name: "Condition",
            //    displayOrder: 0
    get target(): number[] { return this._target }
    set target(value: number[]) 
        this._target = value;

class NodeTargetsCollider extends ATargetCollider
    _target: cc.Node[] = []

            type: [cc.Node],
            override: true,
            //    id: "0",
            //    name: "Condition",
            //    displayOrder: 0
    get target(): cc.Node[] { return this._target }
    set target(value: cc.Node[]) 
        this._target = value;


class BothTargetColliderHelper
    nodes: cc.Node[] = []

    groups: number[] = []

class BothTargetCollider extends ATargetCollider
    _target: BothTargetColliderHelper[] = []

            type: [BothTargetColliderHelper],
            //    id: "0",
            //    name: "Condition",
            //    displayOrder: 0
    get target(): BothTargetColliderHelper[] { return this._target }
    set target(value: BothTargetColliderHelper[]) {
        this._target = value;

export class TestLLL extends cc.Component {
    @property({type: cc.Enum(TargetColliderType)})
    _type: TargetColliderType = TargetColliderType.GROUP;

            type: TargetColliderType,
    get type(): TargetColliderType { return this._type }
    set type(data: TargetColliderType)
        if(data === this._type) return;
        this._type = data;

            case TargetColliderType.GROUP:
                this.target = null;
                this.target = new GroupTargetsCollider();
            case TargetColliderType.NODE:
                this.target = null;
                this.target = new NodeTargetsCollider();
            case TargetColliderType.BOTH:
                this.target = null;
                this.target = new BothTargetCollider();

            type: ATargetCollider,
            visible() {
                return !!this.target
    target: ATargetCollider = new GroupTargetsCollider();

These code will help me a lot on switching option:
it can switch from this:
to this:

Then i do the same thing on 3.x

enum TargetColliderType

abstract class ATargetCollider
    abstract get target(): any[]; 
    abstract set target(value: any[]);

class GroupTargetsCollider extends ATargetCollider
    _target: cc.PhysicsGroup[] = []

            type: [cc.PhysicsGroup],
            override: true,
            //    id: "0",
            //    name: "Condition",
            //    displayOrder: 0
    get target(): cc.PhysicsGroup[] { return this._target }
    set target(value: cc.PhysicsGroup[]) 
        this._target = value;

class NodeTargetsCollider extends ATargetCollider
    _target: cc.Node[] = []

            type: [cc.Node],
            override: true,
            //    id: "0",
            //    name: "Condition",
            //    displayOrder: 0
    get target(): cc.Node[] { return this._target }
    set target(value: cc.Node[]) 
        this._target = value;


class BothTargetColliderHelper
    nodes: cc.Node[] = []

    groups: cc.PhysicsGroup[] = []

class BothTargetCollider extends ATargetCollider
    _target: BothTargetColliderHelper[] = []

            type: [BothTargetColliderHelper],
            //    id: "0",
            //    name: "Condition",
            //    displayOrder: 0
    get target(): BothTargetColliderHelper[] { return this._target }
    set target(value: BothTargetColliderHelper[]) {
        this._target = value;


export class ColliderEvents extends ACollider
    _type: TargetColliderType = TargetColliderType.GROUP;

            type: TargetColliderType,
    get type(): TargetColliderType { return this._type }
    set type(data: TargetColliderType)
        if(data === this._type) return;
        this._type = data;

            case TargetColliderType.GROUP:
                this.target = null;
                this.target = new GroupTargetsCollider();
            case TargetColliderType.NODE:
                this.target = null;
                this.target = new NodeTargetsCollider();
            case TargetColliderType.BOTH:
                this.target = null;
                this.target = new BothTargetCollider();

            type: ATargetCollider,
            visible() {
                return !!this.target
    target: ATargetCollider = new GroupTargetsCollider();

    protected pre_exception() { console.log(this.target)  }

    on_collision_enter(self: cc.Collider2D, other: cc.Collider2D, contact: cc.IPhysics2DContact) 


    end_collision(self: cc.Collider2D, other: cc.Collider2D, contact: cc.IPhysics2DContact) 


nothing show up

so can anyone please help me on this :frowning: I just dont know why and how to fix this

Editor 3.x has changed the way the script is parsed, so it does not work properly.
You can try to use different variables to represent different types of targets in this way.