Problem with mouseJoint2D

I have a problem with mouseJoint2D. I have destroyed the mousejoint2d. But whenever I touch a collider without rigidbody2D, it shows errors

Can you tell me which version you are using?

I’m using version 3.7.2 @muxiandong

Hi, I tried to reproduce your problem using version 3.7.2, but it works fine.
You can refer to my test project to check if it is a usage problem. If not, you can modify my demo to reproduce the problem, or you can provide your test project for troubleshooting, thanks. (28.4 KB)

As I have written. I delete the rigidbody at box80(Node) in your test project. And wait for the MouseJoint off. It still shows this err

And I can’t set the MouseJoint contacts with 1 Node

It still contacts all colliders

Hello, your feedback on this issue is caused by a bug in the engine, an issue has been submitted to the engine engineers to modify, thank you for your feedback. When rigidbody2d is deleted, mouseJoint2d reports an error · Issue #14895 · cocos/cocos-engine · GitHub

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I can’t reproduce the issue with the demo above. And i didn’t find codes to delete the rigidbody.
@mrphusiro could you write some codes to reproduce the issue?

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New (26.9 KB)
@zhangxm This is my demo project.

Thanks, i will take a look.

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@mrphusiro i tested with v3.8.2(will be released soon), there is not error log. I am not sure it was fixed in which version, you can try v3.8.1 to take a look.