Pixel perfect Rendering issue - Android


Im having trouble with pixel perfect on Android.

As you can see in the image, the pixels size are varying.


Zenfone 2, Android 5.0, 1920x1080
Cocos Creator 1.6.1 Windows

Steps to reproduce:

Create a Project.
Set cc.view.enableAntiAlias(false); Anywhere in the code.
Put the canvas in your device resolution (1920x1080)
Add a 16x16 sprite, scale it by 40x40 so its visible. (final res: 640x640)
asellus_03 (here’s one for you)
Make sure the sprite size is 16x16 and not trimmed/stretched.
Compile and run on android

You can see that the pixels are of different size.

You can also see that on a web build the pixels size are rendering properly.



bumpp… :frowning: please help, this is a very simple test of render reliability and cocos creator ia failing :frowning: i like the tool very much, it deserves being draw confident!

i opened an issue on github: https://github.com/cocos-creator/engine/issues/2000

number 2000!

I fixed this by changing CC_FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRECHING_TEXEL to 0 on ccConfig.h on the android build folder.


Thanks for sharing!

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