NEW USERS READ THIS! New User Guidance

Welcome @jlodnk to our forums.


Hi, I have been using cocos-2D-JS for almost an year now. Decided to create an account now to try cocos creator and I have some questions

Posting a Hi in this thread

Howdy to our new developers! Welcome!

Hi! I’ve been frequenting these forums for the past two weeks for a project I’m doing using Cocos2d-x… I have a question about some of my code, so I got an account to ask for help! I probably won’t be very active in giving advice because I’m very new to Cocos2d-x, but I hope I can contribute to the community in a positive way!

Posting hello here!

Welcome to our new developers!!

Hello cocos forums!

hey, just getting started with cocos creator. it’s great so far!

Welcome @tayl0r and @kylkrie to our forums!

Hi How Are U ?!

Hi I’m just getting started in Cocos Creator, done some c++ app development in the past but interested to try with typescript. Tried the most seemingly basic Physics project (javascript/typescript) and no matter what I do, objects stubbornly refuse to do anything. I’m hoping someone can help, or point me at a sample project that does work so I can see what I’m doing wrong.

Hello everyone! My name is Mykhailo, 23 y.o. - I am Junior game developer from Ukraine, Odesa. I am here to introduce my very first game. I worked for this 3 months and I am exited get to know community opinion!

Hi :smile:

Welcome everyone to our forums!!

Hello everyone ^^

Howdy @HunterXQwerty

Hi there!
I am new to Cocos2dx and I am new to c++
I am trying to get some experience so I can make a game I have all assets prepared for ^^
i have only heard good things about this engine and I am moving from godot to cocos2dx
cya =)

Welcome @lazarpuppet1.

ok HI guys i’m new here, really excited to join in your community