NEW USERS READ THIS! New User Guidance

Hi everyone!
I’m new here, I hope to learn a lot of things ! I’ve just discovered Cocos, its sound interesting!

@ydnic nice avatar.

@slackmoehrle Thanks, I design this one :slight_smile:

I’d let you design a nice one for me to use! :slight_smile:

Hey! New forum user here :slight_smile:


I’m a front-end web developer by trade, learning game dev mostly as a hobby. I’ve settled on Cocos after an exhaustive search of frameworks, engines and languages.

Hello to all of the new developers! We hope that you enjoy Cocos.

Hi guys, I’m new here :smiley:

Hello Earthlings. My name is Ming from the Planet YumYum. I come to do things with Cocos in Peace.

Hi there cocos!

Hey, I know my account is brand new, but after having my first topic approved, can I ask why a moderator needs to approve each of my posts? Is this for the first x posts? Time-based?

It’s until you have posted many times or you reach level 2 or I manually change it.

Hello new Cocos devs. Welcome!!

Hi! Jon from Kodable here

Welcome Jon.

Hi! I’m from ExceptioNULL Games. We’ve been working in Cocos2d-x for years and I’m hoping to share our work in the showcase.

hi? 10 char min

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Hello to our new developers.

Hi everyone. I’m beginner for Cocos2d-x. My question is I’ve seen on cocos2d-x GitHub page that we can create web browser projects only with Javascript project. As far as I know we can choose C++, JavaScript or Lua languages. Example of I created a cocos2d-x C++ game and can publish it to Linux, macOS, Windows, Android & iOS but web browser.So, do I have to re-create cocos2d-x Js project for my game to publish as web browser game?

Also I have a problem for cocos2d-x. It is not compiling for Linux, I get this error message (Actually this is a summary of the message, original message is so long):
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/MyGameCpp.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:83: recipe for target ‘all’ failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
Error running command, return code: 2.
Should I ask this question a new thread? But I can’t create a new thread.