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Thanks, but I have new draft button instead new topic button. I clicked it, press the create a topic button, but still don’t post. It shows “Category can’t be blank” popup.

Show me what happens when you click Open Draft, please.

I’m new here.I wanna create a video game.

This image is when I click new draft button.

OK, that seems like you had a draft in progress at some point? What happens if you hit the “trash can” icon? Can you then see a New Post button?

@Darooooon ok this and another issue related to category are Discourse bugs. I’m looking at applying a fix.

@Darooooon @anon97208230 @Eliteman I have patched a Discourse bug (I think) that fixes this problem (as described here).

Please try again!

Hi there. I started to learn cocos2d just in last weekend, so I have a lot of questions =)

Welcome to all our new developers! Start creating something awesome.

It is patched, thank you.

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Oh, I just posted meaningless topic for test. Now I can do it. Thanks.

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Hi All I am studying Cocos2d-x and want to become expert


Hi. I am looking to explore cocos creator and I am having trouble downloading it as the instructions mention an .exe, but it is downloading a .7z.

@Pfap can you show me where these instructions are so I can take a look. We do download a 7-zip archive now.

hello all just a beginner to learn. this awesome framework

Hello to all of our new developers!

Hi, I have been using Cocos Creator for around 6 months now. And still using it now for our project.

Hi, My name is Yukio Murakami.
I have made some fixes for RichText before.

Hi, happy to be here! :slight_smile: Thanks to everyone who has worked on this engine, tutorials, and other materials to make life easier for everyone else!

Hi I’m beginner