NEW USERS READ THIS! New User Guidance

I’m not a big javascript person, but the concept is

  1. create a scrollview that takes up the entire screen your needs depending)
  2. consider this your parent.
  3. make other scrollviews
  4. addChild() them to the scrollview you created in step 1

when I say create I mean to instantiate, set properties, etc.

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I looked and you are just below the minimum read time to be promoted. Read a few more topics :slight_smile:

You might read quicker than others :slight_smile:

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Which version of ADT plugin and NDK should I use to install Cocos2d-x for android?

Thanks a lot. It worked! :blue_heart:

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Are you using Android Studio now?

Big hello and 你好 from one of the few non-chinese Cocos users in China :wink:
I wanted to make games for some years and came across Cocos2d when it was still called Cocos for iPhone, now I hope I can finally make some games with Cocos Creator. I’m a Scala/C++ dev by day, but especially the showcase from the guys who made “Super Mega Space Game!” convinced me to give it a go with Creator.

Awesome and welcome. 祝你旅途顺利。

Hello everyone! I have been reading this forum for over a year. It’s time to write. :smile:

Howdy ya’ll

Hi! Did I do that right?

re: You need to be at least at level 1. Read 3 topics, Post a Hi in this thread. All for a total of 5 minutes.

Hello world!

Howdy to all of our new developers!

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hello world thank you for telling me this information :slight_smile:

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Hi~ I am studying Cocos2d-x


Hi guys nice to be here

Hi, again. I want to ask about writing new topic but I have problem. I wrote a topic on writing mode and selected a category, but when I submitted it said “Category can’t be empty” with pop up. How do I do?

You should be able to post a new topic. Please try again

I really don’t get it. This thread says “reply to this thread” and I did. Also says “post a HI in this thread” at next question, but I cannot find the post button or icon in this thread. Am I missing something?

Yeah. I’m using Android Studio now.

You should have a button to post. I looked at your settings and there isn’t a reason you shouldn’t be able to post…