NEW USERS READ THIS! New User Guidance

@matthew7warner For Cocos Creator you would not use Visual Studio. Did you see this someplace? If so please tell me where.

I’ll see if I can find that page again and screen shoot it.

@matthew7warner Thank you, I want to make sure we correct anything needed.

Hi how are you doing?

Hi, God give me permission for posting new topic :slight_smile:

This is the sign I saw that mentioned having visual studio.

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@matthew7warner Got it. Thank you.

Yes, we work together with Microsoft to use Cocos Creator with Visual Studio. If you want to target Windows, then you need Visual Studio. If you are targeting the web you do not need Visual Studio. If you are targeting Android but using Windows as your host OS you do not need Visual Studio.

Thank you for the feedback.

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hi i am new user

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I am new here. I am having one problem with editbox. when I click on it, it textfield comes in the center but when I off from editbox, placeholder(textfield move to down)

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Please start a new topic with this. Please include details about what Cocos2d-x version, any code snippets, etc. Thank you.

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thanks for reply… but i am new here so it won’t let me start new topic… will you open so i can ask their in detail,

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You should be able to start a new topic.

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yeah you are right

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Hey guys :slight_smile:

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Hi, posting so I can start a question topic.

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Hi! I wish I could start a new topic!

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hi… can you please help me out… I have started new topic but no one is helping me

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In all fairness it seems a few people have tried to help you.

cpp-tests has a working example of the features. Definitely take a look.

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yeah few helped I am sorry, I did look into it and it has same problem that I am having right now with original editbox and textview if you can help me out or point me out someone who is working with textview or editbox you can see my post so you can get idea what problem i have been getting

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