New to our Forums? Why can't I post?

Thanks for the feedback. I will look into this.

this is ridiculous - just want to get in & ask a question

Iā€™m sorry that you feel this way. I will bring this up in my weekly meeting.

how can I ask a question

i am trying to get cocos working & want to ask a question - post a query, lengthy on the forum

I know exactly what to ask & have some experience


@nomic - I upped your permissions You should be able to post now.

ok i posted as topic now i am in

You need to post it as a separate topic.

How do we create a new post? I am a basic user, but I canā€™t find a button anywhere that will let me post a question or a new topic.

You joined 29 mins ago, so read some threads, etc!

I am not sure how the timer works, but I have been looking through posts for 40 mins and I still cannot make a post.

Please forward as appropriate. I would post to Cocos2d-x Dev Discussion if I could.

Deprecated method calls deprecated method
Cocos2d-x v3.5

setResponseCallback(Ref* pTarget, SEL_CallFuncND pSelector) calls setResponseCallback(Ref* pTarget, SEL_HttpResponse pSelector)

Both are marked as deprecated with CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE. Because one method calls the other, this results in multiple compiler warnings when compiling for Android (though not for iOS).

ok got it, thanks alot.

I have problem with cocos code ide win32 runtime
Here is my code
local Label1 = cc.Label:createWithTTF("",ā€œfonts/Marker Felt.ttfā€, 32)
Label1:setColor(cc.c3b(0, 0, 0))
Label1:setString(ā€œtouch hereā€)
local function onTouchBegan(touch, event)
local location = touch:getLocation()
I use this code but when I run on windown the Label 1 never in position I touch.
But I run normally when I run on android phone

@hieu Can you please create a new topic for this. This questions doesnā€™t belong here.

Ok sorry
I will create another topic

I cant login with my old account. It says server error.

I see this sometimes. Can you try a few more times? If you still have trouble, PM me.

Greetings all. Iā€™m happy to be on some basic form of posting if it means spammers donā€™t deluge this forum with their rubbish.

Oh, I did say ā€˜greetings allā€™ so here is the restā€¦ :slight_smile:

thatā€™s annoying , How long does it take time to create new topic

this was a bit of a painā€¦