NACL projects build but do not run

I’ve been trying to run the HelloCpp project in Cocos2d-x v2.2.1 using Chrome but have been facing the following error messages:

[.PPAPIContext]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glUseProgram: program not linked
[.PPAPIContext]RENDER WARNING: Drawing with no current shader program.

To reproduce I build using against the latest pepper_canary (as of Dec 12th) using GCC in Fedora. When I access the hosted application a black screen appears and I see the above error messages repeated 20 to 30 times in the console. I’ve had the same results on a few laptops which worked with NACL and HelloCpp about 6 months ago.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

I am also facing same issue.
Do u able to resolve it ??
Someone told me to use older pepper & older version of chrome.
But I am not able to get older version of chrome.

Also I get this error messages on console :
“cocos2d-x debug info [OpenGL error 0x0502 in …/textures/CCTextureAtlas.cpp drawNumberOfQuads 686]
cocos2d-x debug info [OpenGL error 0x0502 in …/sprite_nodes/CCSprite.cpp draw 584]”

Please provide ur comment for the same…


I still having this issue and i don’t know how to solve it

It seems that Google don’t allow different precisions in vertex and fragment shaders.

It my case, I had to change this line in CCGLProgram.cpp

(type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER ? "precision highp float;\n" : "precision mediump float;\n"),


"precision mediump float;\n"