My 10 years old boy developed a game using cocos2d-js last summer

My 10 years old son designed and developed this game last summer! It got pretty good feedbacks from google play. So I figured I’d like to share it here with you. The app is available on google play, apple store, and

Facebook game center.

apple store:

google play:


You posted the link for the Google Play version twice and the Facebook link gives me the message

“Misconfigured App
Sorry, Math Space Fight hasn’t been approved for display in App Center.”

But looks good. Tell your son to keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Congrats and keep your son motivated! We need young talent keeping this industry going. If I can help you, please let me know.

He loves programming. He is the master of scratch. I am moving him away from scratch and do really programming. He is working on his second game now.

Thank you. I am teaching cocos2d class to 5 9-10 yeas old kids on every Sunday at my home now. They all really like the class.

Amazing !
can you tell a bit the process of teaching your kid how to program ?
i also involved my kids 6 & 7 in the process of making game ( not programming ) they made the sounds and take pictures
that are used in the game . and now the framework is open source .
now i like to get them into programming