Multi-Window possible or not and if yes does it going to effect CPU usage in JavaScript?

Hi everyone,

I am in cards game, and now my task is to open multi-window upto 6 so my question is, is it possible in Cocos and if yes will it effect the game by using more CPU usage.

On which platform and target devices ? Please give full context for your question

on window/mac and web desktop.

For web window management is handled by the browser, so as long as your game runs smoothly, there is no problem.

Multi window for native desktop haven’t been finished yet, we only have some infrastructure support in C++, like

SystemWindow is tied with RenderWindow, while render window can be rendered with multiple cameras.
But these APIs can only be accessed through C++

@pandamicro Hi
May I know if the development of multiple-window is currently in progress?

I think it’s been a while, so I’m inquiring about it one more time.
May I know if multi-window is scheduled to be developed?
(cc. @pandamicro @zhangxm (It seems that you answered until recently, so I referred to it.))