Move canvas on softkeyboard appears


I’m currently attempting to adjust the canvas position when the soft keyboard appears in the native environment. However, I’m encountering an issue in obtaining the size of the keyboard.

var parentNode = cc.find("Canvas/ParentNode"); 

cc.systemEvent.on(cc.SystemEvent.EventType.KEYBOARD_WILL_SHOW, function (event) {
    parentNode.y += event.keyboardHeight;

cc.systemEvent.on(cc.SystemEvent.EventType.KEYBOARD_WILL_HIDE, function (event) {
    parentNode.y -= event.keyboardHeight;

This code used to function as intended, but it seems to be ineffective in Cocos Creator version 3.6.2.

Hi. Cocos is not designed to expose this interface publicly. Users are required to implement their own listeners at the Java layer.