Motion along apath

Dear Team

i am starter using coco2d-x , i have a question about moving an object along a predefined path .
i saw the test case about motionstreak and moveto but i cant for now figure out how to move my sprite along this datastructure

static struct {
qreal initX, initY;
qreal destX, destY;

LetterData[3] = {
{ 15, ~~1000, 53 ,95},
{ 30,~~1000, 160,67 },
{60, –1000, 280,93 }


can anyone suggest the right path to make it work

Kind regards

You can consider about sprite->setPosition(x, y) in schedule callbacks.
Call CCNode::schedule(updateMyPosition) to start a callback to updateMyPosition function in each loop.

Thank you very much , i am on it