Morph Animation workflow

I am struggling getting morph animation working as well. I downloaded the test above and I can’t get the morph targets to play. Can you clarify the workflow?


I can ask engineering once they return from national holiday.

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The test you downloaded is from where? You can download from here :,you can open morph scene to see how morph targets play.

I was referring to a test file another user had posted in the thread and a dev had said worked fine for them. I grabbed that file and tried it and the morphs wouldn’t play.

Also used one of my Unity fbx’s with blend animation as well and though the joints played, the blends would not.

I didn’t know about these test assets. Grabbed them and I can see them playing in 3.4.1 I just need to understand why. If I get stuck I guess I’ll ask for more info.


So, delving in it looks like all of your examples use glTF files rather than FBXs. I can’t get any FBX’s with blends to work in 3.4.1. If I check the ‘Compatible with v1.’ option on some of the files they kinda play right but are still messed up.

Can you answer:

  • Are fbx morph/blend data with joint animation supported? If so can you provide an example file with that?
  • Is there a specific fbx version recommended?
  • Do you recommend glTF for Cocos?


Hi Dear,

I think for most 3D content creation softwares Fbx is still the mainstream, here is a morph target animation fbx example file, after inport make sure you clicked on the PlayOnLoad option, and then you should see it playing!


MorphTest with bones.fbx (175.4 KB)

I was able to get the test file working if I uncheck UseBakedAnimation. If that’s on it doesn’t play.


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