Migration to Cocos2d-x 3.4 Lua: No error/debug output in Code IDE

Dear All!
I use Cocos Code IDE under Windows.
I recently decided to move to Cocos2d-x 3.4 from my Cocos2d 3.3 Lua project.
I did this very simply:

  1. I started a new project
  2. I removed default HelloWorld source files
  3. Replaced everything with my own code
  4. Built custom win32 simulator for example.
    …aaaand everything works perfectly except debug info. print() doesn’t produce any output in the console, errors do not produce any output.
    The new feature that I observe is the message when the project starts to run:

frame scale: 0.50
show console: NO
write debug log: NO ()
debugger: Cocos Code IDE
add searching path:

So obviously the debug log is disabled. In the new HelloWorld project everything works fine, but I have no idea how to use mvc and the proposed structure of the project to migrate my code. Is there a kind of fast method that I can call to enable the debug? How to use dump(…) function? Or the new project structure is now obligatory to get the console output?

You don’t need to creata a new project to update.
You can use cocos tools (right click cocos code ide project) to upgrade a cocos project.
Maybe your error is now gone?

BTW: How did you build custom win32 simulator?

I tried now to upgrade my project. It told me:
“Framework does not support upgrade project.”

To make a win32 simulator I’ve chosen the same submenu as in your picture “Build Custom Simulators…”

Nothing special. There is also no output for android device as well. I’ll probably try to reinstall the framework. Otherwise, I don’t know why upgrade is not supported.

You need to use engine mode and not framework mode. Update is not working on framework mode (don’t know why).

Ups, newer saw that there is a build custom simulators xD


Thank you very much for your suggestions.
I switched to the Engine mode. Then I built a new Simulator aaaaand… I have all the print() and error outputs I needed.

That is extremely funny. Now I have the same problem because I am stuck to use cocos framework 3.5 xD


The cause is that the prebuilt stuff is build for release and not for debug. Print() isn’t doing anything in release. release_print("…") is working. Why the lua function “print” can’t output message in cocos2d-x3.3rc0 at windows cocos-ide?