Level development

I have finished my menu scene, and have successfully made program capable of transitioning from the main menu to the (uncomplete) level selection scene. I now have reached the stage in which I make, what you may call, the meat of my game. I intend use the ‘Tiled’ level editor to place the obstacles, but otherwise I am not sure what to do and where to start. Here is an image of my current main menu, and here is a picture of the main menu draft I made, the level selection draft I made and my level selection draft I made.

Simply put, my question is, Where do I begin? I have FINISHED the cocos2d-x udemy course and can make buttons, transitions and scenes but I cannot make a physics game. I need help making the SLINGSHOT and the Basket in which the ball enters. (this is the kind of slingshot I’m aiming for, not the one in the sketch Gideros Box2d Slingshot - YouTube

take a look at cpp-tests. There are many physics samples there. One of them is a pinball game that uses the same concepts you need just in a different way.

You are clearly working on the UI. It looks good so far. You might find though that as you code your UI needs to be changed. It may cost you more time to make these small changes over and over. What I do is get my concepts working first, then build the UI. I don’t use Sprites at first. I just use a square or circles or something.

Hint: Turn on your debug borders

Hint 2: https://docs.cocos2d-x.org/cocos2d-x/en/physics/

Hint 3: cpp-tests

What sort of changes could occur to my UI? Do I not simply make, for example, ‘Level2Scene.cpp’ , give it it’s features and link it to the level 2 button?