Knowledge contribution/Adding to Wiki

I’ve been using Cocos2dx for quite some time now and I really like it. I’ve learned a lot and still learning and developing my skills.
During development, I’ve encountered issues and problems but I also found solutions. I had the chance to document them and compile a document, 5 pages long for the moment, with issues and their solutions.
It is something I enjoy doing and thought to share it.
Link to the doc:

I would love to get a feedback if it is relevant in any way, and if so who can add that to the knowledge base.


What did you have in mind? We are using the Knowledgebase category here for tutorials, but what about adding to our FAQ for each OS and we could create more categories as needed.

The FAQ section seems like the right place, sounds good!
The document is for version 3.x. (as I’m using 3.17.2).
To add items and writings to the FAQ, does it goes through the "Have Feedback or through admins?

You can clone our docs repo and submit a pull request with your changes.


Cool, will do!

Let me know if you need help doing this @SimonArchNox