Jsapi No such file or directory

[the x86] the Compile ++: cocos2djs_shared <= AppDelegate.cpp
[the x86] the Compile ++: cocos2djs_shared <= PluginFirebaseJS.cpp
[the x86] the Compile ++: cocos2djs_shared <= PluginFirebaseJSHelper.cpp
[the x86] the Compile ++: cocos2djs_shared <= SDKBoxJSHelper.cpp
In file included from jni /…/…/ Classes / PluginFirebaseJSHelper.cpp: 1: 0:
jni /…/…/ Classes / PluginFirebaseJSHelper.h: 6: 19: fatal error: jsapi .h: No such file or directory
#include “jsapi.h”
compilation terminated.
In file included from jni /…/…/ Classes / PluginFirebaseJS.cpp: 1: 0:
jni /…/…/ Classes /PluginFirebaseJS.hpp:4:19: fatal error: jsapi.h: No such file or directory
#include “jsapi.h”
compilation terminated.

I face this error once using the sdkbox to add sdk’s , I reviewed the documents and installation of the sdk , I’ve followed the manual integration and I’m still having this issue … so

What is the problem and how it can be solved ?


Cocos Creator 1.7 comes with JSB 2.0 and removed completely the old JSB interface. This means that every single 3rd party js binding out there - including SDKBOX no longer works.

Why it was the old interface completely removed and not deprecated - for now - so that their own products like SDKBOX would still be working you ask? Company culture, whoever manages to break most things with every release most likely gets the biggest promotion!

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If then, I can not use sdkbox at cocos creator 1.7?

@slackmoehrle can you comment on this? I do have this problem too

I don’t know the answer.

@yinjimmy can help us.

we are working on this.

try our staging

sdkbox update --staging

sdkbox import admob --staging

all sdkbox plugin has new js binding for cocos creator 1.7.

Thank you, I’ll try