Issues with post processing in 3.8.1

Hey all, hoping somebody can help point me in the right direction here… I have a 2d scene and I am trying to apply some bloom post process effect to it. I have found a link on the forums that shows a chinese project where they have added PP effects and walk through how they did it… I have even downloaded the project to look at it myself… thing is, when I try to follow there instructions, I get nowhere… I feel I must be doing something wrong… but there is no documentation on how to go about this process from what I can tell… there is no video showing how to set up the post processing effects other than the chinese video that I found… I don’t understand the language, but I have followed their steps and looked at their project and I don’t get anywhere near the same results… Here is what I’m doing…

I am working in Cocos Creator 3.8.1

When following the instructions in the chinese tutorial, I do the following: FYI, the tutorial I’m referencing can be found here… Global glow after-effects in Cocos Creator 3.8

My steps…

  1. Add the word “Custom” to the “Custom Pipeline Name” property in the project settings.
  2. Check the box to enable custom render pipeline in the feature cropping portion of project settings.
  3. checked the “use post process” box on the scene camera.
  4. Added a node named “post_process” to my project’s scene hierarchy
  5. Added the post process components into the post_process node.

This is pretty much where the instructions on the tutorial end… I haven’t been able to identify anything super obvious that might show me what I’m missing when looking in the demo scene that they provided… In their demo scene, I can adjust the bloom intensity and I see the changes in the editor… but when I follow the steps above and play test my 2d unlit project, I don’t see anything different at all… Post processing is a vital aspect of game development in an engine and my studio has been working around it instead of with it for about a year now… Can someone please provide me with some insight on how to get this working properly?? I feel like it should not be this difficult…

Disregard… as soon as I posted this question up, I realized why it wasn’t working and fixed it… you have to assign the post process reference to the camera… duh… I will say though… if anyone can tell me how I can get the post process to show up in editor mode instead of having to manually preview the game every time, that’d be awesome!