Is there any way to chain Tween together?

Hello everyone, I look forward to helping the following:
I want to create tween of different nodes and run them one by one. But I failed. I read the documentation but could not find any suitable function.
At first I used the then() function but it did nothing. After that I used the call() function, it seemed to work a bit, but it was really not okay if the number of tween increased.
I really don’t know what to do, I hope everyone answers. Thank you in advance.
for (let current of this.allNodes)
current.anyNode.opacity = 100;

            () => this.fadeInAllNodes().call(
                () => this.moveCursorToDrag().start()

private moveTitle(): cc.Tween<cc.Node>
let originalPosition = this.title.getPosition();
this.title.setPosition(0, 0);

    let thisTween = cc.tween(this.title)
        .to(0.5, { scale: 1.5, easing: cc.easeBounceOut })
        .to(1, { scale: 1, easing: cc.easeCubicActionIn })
        .to(1, { position: originalPosition });

    return thisTween;

private fadeInAllNodes(): cc.Tween<cc.Node>
    let allTweens: Array<cc.Tween<cc.Node>> = [];

    for (let current of this.allNodes)
        allTweens.push(cc.tween(current.anyNode).to(current.fadeSpeed, { opacity: 255 }).delay(this.waitTimeBetweenNode));

    for (let i = 0; i < allTweens.length; i++)
        if (i + 1 < allTweens.length)
            allTweens[i].call(() => allTweens[i + 1].start());

    return allTweens[0];

private moveCursorToDrag(): cc.Tween<cc.Node>
    let moveCursor = cc.tween(this.cursor)
        .to(1, { position: this.drag.getPosition() })
        .to(1, { position: this.drop.getPosition() })

    let moveDrag = cc.tween(this.drag)
        .to(1, { position: this.drop.getPosition() })
    return moveDrag;


I used promises to do the above job. The situation seems to be fine. I write up here just in case any beginner needs it.

onLoad() {
this.moveTo(this.cursor, 1, cursorToStopBtn)
.then(() => this.bouncing(this.stopButton, 1.1, 4))
.then(() => this.moveTo(this.cursor, 1, cursorToInfoBtn))
.then(() => this.bouncing(this.infoButton, 1.1, 4));
private moveTo(anyNode: cc.Node, duration: number, toPosition: cc.Vec2): Promise < unknown > {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.to(duration, {
position: toPosition
private bouncing(node: cc.Node, scaleRate: number, repeat: number) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
repeat = Math.max(1, repeat);
.repeat(repeat, cc.tween()
.to(0.5, {
scale: scaleRate
.to(0.5, {
scale: 1