[iOS/Android] Upcoming game: Sisyphus Job

Hi everyone,

I would like to present my new upcoming game Sisyphus Job. This is short video of the gameplay made for AppStore and Google play. It will be available soon on App Store and Google Play, later on Windows Phone

I’ve been working on this for almost 8 months alone, i’m using cocos2d-x v3.8 c++. It’s a mix between endless runner and platformer with box2d physics. It has RPG elements like collecting items that gives hero various stats that will enhance user gameplay. It has more then 100 handmade obstacles for user to overcome with three different levels, mysterious treasure chests with random loot, quests, tricks, troy horse and glider to ride, catapult to launch you off and maybe save your life.

Setting of the game is in the ancient Greece, following a myth of Sisyphus who was punished for his trickery by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, repeating this action forever. In this case Sisyphus runs away from rolling boulder and trying to overcome different kind of obstacles that Zeus placed on his path.


congrats, this looks awesome!

Why don’t you e-mail me and lets put a piece about this in our September 22 newsletter?

Is there a way I can play it on iOS now?

E-Mail Me

good game. wish u release it soon

Looks fun! :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

Game will be released in the next couple of weeks.

@slackmoehrle i’ve sent you an email.

Hi everyone,

The game is currently available for Android, i’m still waiting for review on iOS, i hope it will be out by the end of the week.

Here is the link to Google Play


Game is now available on App Store


Congrats Milos!

Milos did an interview with us here: http://blog.cocos2d-x.org/2015/09/interview-with-milos-jakovljevic-of-critspot/