Integrating box2d support in cocos2dx v3.x

Hey everyone,

i am about to do a physics game, so i think i need box2d support in my project.
i have created a new project using cocos2d console new breakout -p com.spyder.breakout -l cpp

now the project is ready and i’ve imported it into eclipse.
how to add box2d to support physics actions ??

also… will the auto complete feature work for the code of box2d !!

please reply
thanks… :smile:

Well, Cocos2d-x v3 now has its own Physics elements that are based upon Chipmunk. If you need Box2d you will need to download it and integrate it how you please.

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so… what should i do to create a ball and paddle type game or a arkanoid game

these games require physics support.

1st. Arkanoid was my favorite childhood game. I originally had it on an NES with the wheel controller.

2nd. What do you mean? Use the 3.x built in Physics or go get Box2d and use that. Do I misunderstand?

actually i have no idea about the physics games

but i’ve been assigned to do a brick breaker game but without any bricks
they just want me to make a ball and a paddle without the bricks.

i dont know where to start
so… could you tell me.
how could i achieve it in any way !!

You should go back and tell those that assigned this to you that you don’t understand how to do it. Honestly. This isn’t for the faint of heart.

I’d say that you could find several examples somewhere on the internet.

One of the users did this for the tutorial competition:

ok… :smile:

but if we leave the assigner for a while.
and if i ask it out of curosity, that how to do a physics game

how may you help me.
i am not asking the whole process.
Just what need to be done to begin ?

well there is the link that I sent you above.

I’d also say look at the API docs so you can see what is available.

There is this:

This is all Chipmunk based. If you need Box2D then I would start with:

thanks @slackmoehrle

really appreciate your help. :smile:

Why using box2d?

Really you don’t have to

Because , cocos2dx have great easy physics engine

For know… Box2d = chipmunk

They all physics engine … And they all will be good, so all you need just take few hours from your time to understand the built in physics engine

And good luck