I want to get the intensity of music(to decide the size and position of the tile which is generated according to the music) in the native build specially for android

I have tried these things and many other way but not able to achieve the goal.


package com.cocos.game;

import android.media.MediaPlayer;

import android.media.audiofx.Visualizer;

import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface;

public class MyAudioPlugin {

private static MyAudioPlugin instance;

private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer;

private Visualizer visualizer;

private OnIntensityListener intensityListener;

// Private constructor to enforce singleton pattern

private MyAudioPlugin() {

    mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();


// Singleton getInstance method

public static MyAudioPlugin getInstance() {

    if (instance == null) {

        instance = new MyAudioPlugin();


    return instance;


// Load audio file method called from JavaScript


public void loadAudioFile(String filePath) {

    try {

        // Set the data source to the audio file path


        // Prepare the MediaPlayer asynchronously


    } catch (Exception e) {




// Start playing the loaded audio file


public void play() {


    // Initialize Visualizer

    int audioSessionId = mediaPlayer.getAudioSessionId();

    visualizer = new Visualizer(audioSessionId);


    visualizer.setDataCaptureListener(new Visualizer.OnDataCaptureListener() {


        public void onWaveFormDataCapture(Visualizer visualizer, byte[] waveform, int samplingRate) {

            // Not used in this example



        public void onFftDataCapture(Visualizer visualizer, byte[] fft, int samplingRate) {

            // Calculate intensity based on FFT data

            float intensity = calculateIntensityFromFft(fft);

            // Pass intensity to listener

            if (intensityListener != null) {




    }, Visualizer.getMaxCaptureRate() / 2, true, false);



// Pause the audio playback


public void pause() {



// Stop the audio playback and release resources


public void stop() {



    mediaPlayer = null;

    if (visualizer != null) {


        visualizer = null;



// Set the listener for intensity updates

public void setOnIntensityListener(OnIntensityListener listener) {

    intensityListener = listener;


// Calculate intensity based on FFT data

private float calculateIntensityFromFft(byte[] fft) {

    // Calculate intensity based on FFT data

    // You need to implement your own logic here

    // This is just a placeholder implementation

    float sum = 0;

    for (byte b : fft) {

        sum += Math.abs(b);


    return sum / fft.length;


// Listener interface for intensity updates

public interface OnIntensityListener {

    void onIntensity(float intensity);




import { game, native, sys } from ‘cc’;

// AudioManager.ts

let AudioManager = {

_plugin: null,

init(filePath: string) {

    console.log("audio manager");

    if (sys.os == sys.OS.ANDROID && sys.isNative) {

        native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/MyAudioPlugin", "loadAudioFile", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", filePath);

        // this._plugin = native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/MyAudioPlugin", "getInstance", "()Lcom/cocos/game/object;");

        // let c = native.reflection.callStaticMethod('com/cocos/game/MyAudioPlugin', "sum", "(II)I", 3, 7);

        //console.log("result :" + c);

        // call hello

        //native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/Test", "hello", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", "this is a message from JavaScript");

        // call the first sum

        var result = native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/Test", "sum", "(II)I", 3, 7);

        console.log(result); // 10

        // call the second sum

        var result = native.reflection.callStaticMethod("com/cocos/game/Test", "sum", "(I)I", 3);

        console.log(result); // 5


    console.log("after initialization");


loadAudioFile(filePath: string) {

    native.reflection.callStaticMethod('com/cocos/game/MyAudioPlugin', 'loadAudioFile', '()V', filePath);


play() {

    native.reflection.callStaticMethod('com/cocos/game/MyAudioPlugin', 'play', '()V');


pause() {

    native.reflection.callStaticMethod('com/cocos/game/MyAudioPlugin', 'pause', '()V');


onIntensityReceived(intensity: number) {

    // Use the intensity value as needed

    console.log("Intensity received from native code:", intensity);



export default AudioManager;

These two pages could help you solve this problem.