I try to use CCache to speed up cocos2d-x android compilation.But it doesn't work

I learn How to use CCache to speed up cocos2d-x android compilation step by step.But it doesn’t work.When I run ccache -s,both cache hit & cache size are 0. I don’t know why my configuration makes error.My system is ubuntu 12.0.4. cocos2d-x-3.2

I’m also stuck. Looked at the docs, but that was for when the build script was in shell script (like in cocos2d-x 2.x days). Any idea where to add ccache command?

Getting sick of my fresh builds (or change of Android.mk/Application.mk) taking half an hour (arm + armv7)!

I figured it out. The docs are still accurate, but setting NDK_CCACHE in your bash env only affects building from the command line, it’s ignored in Eclipse since it’s a different env. Building from Eclipse requires defining it in C++ Environment Variables.

@slackmoehrle I know you guys are moving away from those old docs anyway but in the meantime do you mind updating the doc for this with a note for Eclipse? It’s a huge time saver having this enabled.

Sure, send me what you want added and where and I’ll get it done

This isn’t related to ccache, but is there any specific reason you specify ARM in addition to armv7a? All devices I know of support v7a and it seems like you’re doubling your apk size and compile time for no reason.

Also, there is a way to get around editing Android.mk causing full rebuilds if all you change is adding a src file. I’ve found that instead of specifying your LOCAL_SRC_FILES in Android.mk, you can specify them in a different mk file and include that from android.mk. ndk-build will still do proper dependency checking, and only build the correct files when you edit this other make file.