How to use ui::ScrollView and Different between ui::ScrollView and extension::ScrollView

I try to use ui::ScrollView. I create an ui::ScrollView and addChild it to a node. But i don’t see anything in screen

Layer* _uiLayer = Layer::create();
this->addChild(_uiLayer, 1);

ui::ScrollView* scrollView = ui::ScrollView::create();

scrollView->setContentSize(Size(500, 1000));
scrollView->setInnerContainerSize(Size(500, 2000));
scrollView->setPosition(Vec2(100, 100));

auto textWidget = ui::Text::create();
textWidget->setText("Test text");
textWidget->setFontName("Marker Felt");

_uiLayer->addChild(scrollView, 1);
_uiLayer->setPosition(Vec2(100, 100));

Someone can help me please. And tell me different between ui::ScrollView and extension::ScrollView
Thank you.

I don’t know anything about the first point, I haven’t used the ui:: one, only the extension:: one (ui:: is newer).

Let’s compare the docs: [extension::ScrollView](
cpp/V3.3rc0/d2/d84/classcocos2d_1_1extension_1_1_scroll_view.html) and ui::ScrollView.

To me, it looks like ui::ScrollView is a fuller featured replacement for the old (extension::)ScrollView (who’s API confused many devs). It also inherits from Widget, which means it can be created using CocosStudio.