How to use gif or animation for splash screen

I build project using build-templates with ejs file. I changed the loading image by changing url in settings/v2/packages/builder.json:

   "splash-setting": {
     "url": "project://assets/Texture/loading.png",
     "clearColor": {
       "x": 1,
       "y": 1,
       "z": 1,
       "w": 1
     "displayWatermark": false,
     "totalTime": 2000

However this doesn’t work if I use a gif file.
My ver: 3.6.1

Gif is not supported by the engine, so currently we only support image splash screen

If you want to use gifs in your projects, the support team has options

But currently the splash screen is not supported

Here’s how we do:

Just use a still image or disable built-in splash.
Then, load a normal scene (for us, we made the transaction from built-in splash image to our scene smooth) with animation as a loader/splash.