How to run SkeletalAnimation through script?

I am new to CocosCreator. I have an exported fbx model from Maya tool. After I imported it to CC I could see a prefab with cc.SkeletalAnimation as the image below.
I also have a script attached to the prefab but nothing happens after I click. How can I achieve it?

export class MermaidController extends Component {
    private _startAnim: boolean = false;
    private _animation: SkeletalAnimation | null = null;

    protected onLoad(): void {
        this._animation = this.node.getComponent(SkeletalAnimation);

    start() {
        input.on(Input.EventType.MOUSE_UP, this.onMouseUp, this);

    update(deltaTime: number) {

    onMouseUp(event: EventMouse) {
        if(event.getButton() === EventMouse.BUTTON_LEFT) {
            console.log('start anim: ' + this._startAnim);
            this._startAnim = true;
            console.log('start anim: ' + this._startAnim);

The command to run animation is this._animation?.play(name_of_animation_clip);. I found it in this tutorial for the old version 3.2 I wonder where is the doc for manual programming for Creator 3.8