How to make a neon effect in a shader?

:wave: Please tell me how to make a neon effect in a shader? ( 2D project )

I didn’t find a built-in tool to make a neon effect. (I was looking) But I assume that the effect is in the 3D project when installing the material. But I have a 2D project. Can anyone tell me how I can achieve the neon effect. :grey_question:

I tried to make a neon effect through code. but I don’t understand how I can access the pixels that are located on the edge of the image outline. :sleeping_bed:
o = CCSampleWithAlphaSeparated(cc_spriteTexture, uvEdit);

Hello, you may want to change the uv0 settings from the shader code. In the example they show on the manual, they made it so that the effect changes along the x-axis from the uv0.x value. It is important to know that the uv0.x ranges from 0 to 1. So 0 means the far left side of the sprite and 1 represents the far right side of the sprite. Try experimenting this value to get the effect that you want.