How to check gamepad key release

I made a function that fires when a button is pressed on the gamepad, but I can’t get another function to fire when the player releases the button on the gamepad. How can I do this?

There are indeed only 2 GamePad events,So, I use GamePad event like this.

import { __private, _decorator, Component, EventGamepad, Input, input, Label, Node } from 'cc';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

export class GamePadTest extends Component {
    private label:Label;
    start() {
        input.on(Input.EventType.GAMEPAD_INPUT, this.onGamePadInput, this)
        input.on(Input.EventType.GAMEPAD_CHANGE, this.onGamePadChange, this)

    private device0: __private._pal_input__GamepadInputDevice;

    protected update(deltaTime: number) {
        if (this.device0 && this.device0.connected) {
            if (this.device0.dpad.left.getValue()) {

    public onGamePadInput(e: EventGamepad) {

    public onGamePadChange(e: EventGamepad) {
        console.log("gamepad change id:" + e.gamepad.deviceId);
        this.device0 = e.gamepad;

    public left() {
        console.log("pressing left");