How does SDKBOXADS weight strategy work?

Hi, I have like some 4 Ad units in a placements with diffirents weight. there’s no documentation explaining how this strategy works. by intuiton I believed the ad are going to be shown following the order of their weight. When i came to test. it’s the first ad in the placement that get’s shown first no matter the weight. then if there’s no loaded ad. it moves to second one on the line.

here’s my configuration for the SDKBOXADS part :

“SdkboxAds”: {
“units”: [
“placements”: [
“id”: “shop-placement”,
“units”: [
“name”: “shop”,
“unit”: “AdColony”
“weight”: 300,
“name”: “shop”,
“unit”: “AdMob”
“name”: “rewardedVideo”,
“unit”: “UnityAds”,
“weight”: 25
“name”: “shop”,
“unit”: “Chartboost”,
“strategy”: “weight”

it’s always adcolony then admob then unityads then chartboost

@yinjimmy can help with this.


  1. call placement
  2. collect all available units
  3. Normalize the weight to 100
  4. dice [0,100]
  5. pick the unit

I’ll check this flow again.

The code looks like this.

Please update the docs about this. The docs still say “round-robin” is the only supported strategy.

I got you, update the doc ASAP.