How do I use Particle System 2D to start playing particles in a script?

Cocos Creator version: 3.7.2
Particle system 2D is used.
Looking at the Particle System 2D API documentation, there is stopSystem() and resetSystem(), but there doesn’t seem to be a method that corresponds to Play.
Is Particle System 2D not designed to be reused, and is it designed to be instantiated from Prefab each time?

The following is the original Japanese text.

Cocos Creatorのバージョン:3.7.2
パーティクルシステム2D APIのドキュメントを見ると、stopSystem()とresetSystem()はありますが、Playに当たるメソッドがないようです。

Hello, You can use resetSystem() instead of playSystem()

For me, I am just using the following to start/stop the system.

  • stopSystem() to stop
  • resetSystem() to start/resume

To reuse the old one, make sure to uncheck “Auto Remove on Finish” checkbox. Check the video below I’m reusing the same object.

Thank you very much.
Indeed, I confirmed that I can start with resetSystem() and stop with stopSystem().

Documentation for ParticleSystem2D API
in the “ParticleSystem2D API” document , resetSystem() is written as follows, which seems to be at odds with the actual behavior.

public resetSystem () : void
Kill all living particles.

If you are a Cocos Creator developer, I suggest you correct the documentation.

The problem itself has been resolved and I will mark it as resolved.
Thank you very much.

I checked the link you posted again, and the Chinese documentation seems to be accurate, but the English documentation only describes killing particles, not regenerating them.