Hi i have to wonder copyright. fantasy warrior 3D

i have to wonder.
I would like to raise the Google Play Store using the Fantasy Warrior Resources
If the upload to Google Play Store. non-commercial, no ads, no in-app purchase.
Never sales do not occur
Just , I want to inform the Cocos 2d-x 3D 'd like to share to people.
Only , Cocos 2d-x I want to share to those who want to promote the 3D and would like to make the results as employment purposes.
Thank you for your feedback whether is impossible .

I might not understand, but I’d say that you shouldn’t be using Fantasy Warrior 3D to market your employment.

If you want to make a 3D game that is yours to demo for employment you should, but using Fantasy Warrior and the art to do so I think is doing yourself a disservice. Employers want to see what YOU can make, not copying a demo and changing it a bit. Any quick Google searches is going to show an employer you copied it.

I can not understand what you say
Again, I want to make as a result that I have studied for a job
my country is an important market to upload
But just want to upload.
So I want to make sure the law is not a problem

want to make sure that the problem about what to deploy
I would very much appreciate any feedback.

Like I said, perhaps, I don’t understand completely.

If you take Fantasy Warrior 3D and upload it and say you wrote it for a job. That is NOT ok.

If you want to TELL an employer that you learned 3D development by studying the Fantasy Warrior 3D source code then maybe just write that and provide a link to the GitHub repo for them to see what you learned from?

The code is free to use
The art ok for non-commercial so it’s okey
Only thing is the music, I think it’s copyrighted

thank you!

Music is copyrighted by Matthew Pablo