help~~~~~~~how to catch the keyboardWillShow,DidShow,etc events ?

I want to catch the event when the keyboard shows or hides,so I write a class derived form CCTextFieldTTF,but I catch none of them. What’s wrong? PS: on WP8 platform;)


class MyTextFieldTTF : public CCTextFieldTTF

	virtual ~MyTextFieldTTF(){};

	static MyTextFieldTTF * textFieldWithPlaceHolder(const char *placeholder, const char *fontName, float fontSize);
	virtual void keyboardWillShow(CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo& info);
	virtual void keyboardDidShow(CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo& info);
	virtual void keyboardWillHide(CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo& info);  
	virtual void keyboardDidHide(CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo& info);

view the 375 lines in CCEGLView::ShowKeyboard, it returns directly, so you couldn’t catch the event.