Google deleted my app for using SDKBOX

Today we received an email from Google Play,
We’ve identified that your app is using SDKBOX SDK or library, which facilitates the transmission of collection of Social Accounts information without meeting the prominent disclosure guidelines. If necessary, you can consult your SDK provider(s) for further information.

For further details on the valid prominent disclosure requirement, please review the “Prominent Disclosure & Consent Requirement” section under the User Data policy.
We used it for Facebook and for Google Play services.
What should I do? Remove SDKBOX completely?

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It is recommended to remove SDKBOX as we have decommissioned it.

Please follow this blog post on what to do next.

Maybe you provided wrong or untruly information for Google via google play console.

The same shit.

I an trying to migrate from sdkbox to firebase; it has libs/functionality for AdMob:

Note: they have some typo on that their page (as usual) - check the include/firebase/*.h files.

Alas the newest firebase-sdk I can build with is 9.4.0; Note: its supports not obsolete firebase/admob, but newer firebase/gma.

Building with firebase-sdk from 9.5.0 to 10.0.1 fails with text:

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol ___std_find_trivial_1@12 referenced in function “char const * __cdecl __std_find_trivial<char const ,unsigned char>(char const *,char const *,unsigned char)” (??$__std_find_trivial@$$CBDE@@YAPBDPBD0E@Z) MY_PROJECT_NAME MY_PROJECT_FOLDER\build_win\firebase_app.lib(d94e1bff3c0e8414a6679ea91c3e103e_firebase_app.dir_Debug_heartbeat_storage_desktop.obj) 1
– may be someone know how to fix it?

About IAP: I use bluewind00 mingos::IAP addon/library:

After modification it supports quantity of purchashed items.
Also I use billing-library-5 - hope it’s ok.

Alas I have no idea how to implement screenshot share on facebook without sdkbox.