GLTF 3D scene asset not showing in build

I’m running a preview of a web build, and the 3D model is missing. The 3D asset appears correctly in the editor, AND play mode. But not in the build.

Cocos 3.6.1

Can you show the comparison between web build and under editor?

I can’t share the specific content unfortunately. But in play mode, the model is there. In build, there’s nothing there. I see other 3D objects in the scene, that are .fbx format. But the GLB is just totally absent as if it didn’t load.

Then you can print it to see if the model is loaded.

Ahh yes, it’s throwing a 3701 error: Failed to load prefab asset for node ‘%s’

I’m not sure what might be preventing it from loading. I’m going to do some tests with simpler GLB files right now.

EDIT: A simple cube mesh in a .GLB does indeed load correctly in the same scene when built. So there must be something about the complexity of the original file?

Yes, you can refer to this article to check the model again: