[Game] Super Comic Kid

A big thank you to the cocos2d-x devs and awesome community!!!

In Super Comic Kid, you play as a kid who loves comic books. You visit the nearby comic shop, purchase the newest releases, and bring them back to your secret hideout (a cardboard box in your room). Once home, you take up to three comic books into your lair and your imagination takes over. You zip into an action-packed, shoot 'em up-style level with the primary hero, villain, henchmen, music, and background art determined by your choice of comics.

Created with cocos2d-x. Would love for you to check it out and give feedback.

-Check out our game, available for purchase on the

iOS App Store


Android Store


The game is $1.99 and contains no microtransactions, or payment features of any kind. Just pay once and enjoy the way games were intended.

Thank you!

congrats on the release! Looks fun to play.