[FREE] "drunk Fluppy" my first little clone with I think fresh gameplay :)

Hello guys,

First of all I had a long break in programming. At the begginings I used cocos2d 1.0, then 2.0 and then I took a break. Could you tell me what happenned haha?:slight_smile: I see that cocos2dx is still C++ but what happenned with “main” cocos2d concept? Is it cocos2d-swift 3.3 now?

Okay so now I would like to share with you my first iphone application. It is
called “drunk fluppy”. I hope that you will like my “weird” idea of it.

The whole process of creating and submitting an application was a
great lesson for me. Actually it is optimised only for iphone 4s and 5s.
The application is certainly free, I have added chartboost
advertisements in “game over” scene.

The feeling of seeing my application in appstore is fantastic. I
treat “drunk fluppy” as a test :slight_smile: Thanks in advance for any response and
opinions about gameplay.

link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/drunk-fluppy/id943468874?l=pl&ls=1&mt=8