FPS very low on MacOS Big Sur 11.1

I using version Cocos2.2.0. When I open game on Safari MacOS Big Sur 11.1, game is very low FPS (20-30). Help me! Thanks.

Can you try upgrading to 2.4.3 or 2.4.4 that comes out later this week.

If it’s still low create a small example and I’ll ask the team to test.

Thanks for reply. I created a demo on version 2.4.3. I find it still with the above problem.photo_2021-01-22_09-53-46

Can you upload your demo for the team to look at please?

I created demo from available demo. When I open scene TestList, Low FPS as shown aboveScreen Shot 2021-01-22 at 10.42.36

What browser do you use? What is the version?

I use Safari and version Cocos Creator 2.4.3.

What Safari version?

I use Safari Version 14.0.2.

Ok i reproduced the problem

No problem on Chrome, you can use it first

Thank you.


const FIX_IOS14_BUFFER = (cc.sys.os === cc.sys.OS_IOS || cc.sys.os === cc.sys.OS_OSX) && cc.sys.isBrowser && /(OS 1[4-9])|(Version\/1[4-9])/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);

Modify the code in the engine, and then recompile the engine according to the document.


Thank you.

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