(Force) update ScrollView ContentSize after screen orientation change?

In my code I use

ui::ScrollView * m_scroll_view;

I add in it a Node obj, in Node I add widgets.
At start and on screen orientation I set all widgets size and position, also I do:

Size scollFrameSize; Size ics;

My problem: screen orientation change works perfect on cheap tablet, but on GT-I9301I (Samsung, Android v. 4.4.2) I see only (left-bottom) part of the ScrollView object: looks like some ContentSize are not updated.
Updating them manually didn’t help:

bool HelloWorld::init()
this->setContentSize(Size(4000.0f, 4000.0f)); // or at orientation change;

Any help, please? Thank you.

Upd.: After 3 screen orientation changes (landscape -> portret -> landscape) ScrollView obj become invisible (also all widgets on it), but still scroll-able.
So, I’m going to use it as workaround. (“Solved”)