Feedback after a few hours using COCOS Creator

The creator is good and very responsive (when compared to Unity) but it need more polish to catch up other game editor. The following is not necessary but is much better if implemented.

  1. Multiple object editing at the same time.
    In Unity3D, you can select multiple objects (e.g. buttons) and edit their attributes in one shot.
    Attribute (native or components) with same value will show the value while attribute with different values will show ‘-’.
    It is especially important when you are dealing with the layout.

  2. The editor seems not showing the current zoom level. (e.g. 100% ) At least I couldn’t find it.

  3. Consider to support TypeScript which is a superset of Javascript.
    When dealing with large scale project, TS provide much better coding experience and easier to detect bugs sooner.
    Many famous js library now maintained with TS and release with JS. Even google’s Angular2 use TS instead of its own Dart. For more info about the language:
    I can see editor already allow me to create CoffeeScript but some ppl like me may not like the syntax and other aspects of CoffeeScript. I think its not that hard to support an additional TypeScript?

  4. Coding editor
    Allow using external 3rd-party code editor. For instance, I prefer to use WebStorm or VS which provide much more powerful features. When I double click on a script assert. It should help me open that file with preferred editor.

Please keep up the good work.
Thank for bringing this creator to all of us.
Looking forward to future version.

The build process (web desktop) sometimes hang on 10%.
Need to restart the editor to reset the state.